CACA joins ICCP as its new member
updated: 2024-05-06 10:56:35

The global fight against cancer has seen significant progress over the recent years. Against this backdrop, the China Anti-Cancer Association (CACA) officially became a member of the International Cancer Control Partnership (ICCP) and attended its monthly meeting.

The ICCP, a renowned global alliance dedicated to cancer control efforts worldwide, expressed gratitude for the CACA joining the alliance as a strategic move to enhance cooperation and share expertise in the field of cancer prevention and treatment. The ICCP Partners are seeking to create synergies to optimize collective resources and efforts, in support of the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of national cancer control plans.

With its vast resources and expertise in cancer research and healthcare, the CACA promises to make substantial contributions to the ICCP's initiatives and goals.

Upon joining the ICCP, the CACA is ready to collaborate with other ICCP members to jointly propel global cancer prevention and control.

Source: Official website of the CACA